M: BP4: Breaking Point “Louder Than Words”

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Week 4: Louder Than Words

Have you ever heard the saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword”?

With our words, we find another breaking point.

We have the power to foster life with our words. We also have the power to inflict death. But more often than not, our words are filled with death, causing dissension within our church communities. As followers of Christ, we are called to help each other and bring each other back to truth. But too many times this brotherly support becomes a form of judgement. Words of condemnation take the place of words of redirection. We are not meant to be judges of the law but followers of it.

We are not meant to criticize our brothers and sisters in Christ but to remind them, in truth, of what a life of faith looks like.

Ohana Group Questions:

  • 1. How have other’s words shaped your identity, beliefs, values, esteem? Can you remember a specific instance where someone’s words built you up/tore you down?
  • 2. Why do you think James places so much emphasis on our words? Why does Jesus say that one day we will give an account for our words?
  • 3. What do a person’s words tell you about who that person is?
  • 4. What do you think your words say about who you are?
  • 5. Based on this message, what areas would you ask Jesus to transform?
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