M: BP2: Breaking Point “Inside Out”

Week 2: Inside Out

Life is full of breaking points; seasons of strife and difficult decisions. It’s unavoidable. So how do we navigate the trials according to God’s will?

The way we get through them is by understanding where they come from and what purposes they serve. Our sinful nature— our earthly desires and our tendency towards a double mind— is the source of these trials. But if we choose to seek God’s wisdom and to not be divided between God and the world, our trials become opportunities to grow in endurance and in faith.

Ohana Group Questions:

  • Our desires may come from temptations as stated in James 1:14-15, but how do we know where our desires originate? Is there a difference between Godly desires and personal desires?
  • In James 1:6-8, the verse states that our God is generous. If our loyalty is divided between Him and the world, can we not expect to receive anything from the Lord? Why or why not?
  • Boasting is being excessively proud and self-satisfied about one’s achievements, possessions or abilities. Read James 1:9-11, what can believers, who are rich or poor, boast about? Select a perspective and share.


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