Celebrate Fathers Day with us as we conclude our “Trouble in Paradise” series. In a world filled with broken families and challenges, we find hope in our perfect Father God who never fails us. Join us as we explore the importance of the role of fathers in aligning their families with God’s plan.
During this sermon, we will share inspiring stories of fathers who have experienced transformation in their lives. We will also witness a Resolution For Men ceremony, where men make vows to be strong and courageous leaders in their families.
Just as a misaligned head affects the entire body, our spiritual and relational alignment impacts our lives. We will learn from the book of Joshua, where God calls us to walk in His authority, embrace His Word, experience His presence, and find support in community.
Join us as we discover the power of alignment in our lives and the difference it can make for fathers, families, and our journey with God. Don’t miss this opportunity to be encouraged and inspired.

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