Unity within a home draws God’s presence and commands His blessing.This week focuses on the power of uplifting one another to foster harmony, love, and peace in our homes and…
View SermonPastor Earl Morihara
12/24/24 5pm “Prince of Peace”
When Mary and Joseph present Jesus at the temple, Simeon, a devout man, recognizes Him as the promised Messiah who will bring peace to the world.Simeon’s proclamation that Jesus is…
View Sermon10/26/24 5pm “God’s Compassion Toward Us”
In Week 1 of our Inside Out series we focus on how compassionate God has been to us. Our compassion does not come from us but is an extension of…
View Sermon8/18/24 10am “Fireproof Faith”
Despite another victory our heroes are once again faced with a difficult choice – bow before an idol or die. As exiles in this fallen world we too will face…
View Sermon7/28/24 10am “RISE”
In our final week, we will be called to rise and fully embrace our God-given purpose, stepping into our roles with confidence and faith, ready to make a lasting impact…
View Sermon5/25/24 5pm “Listening and Loving Like Jesus”
We’ve been learning about the heart of being a true Christian: that incredible, supernatural agape love we’ve experienced and can pass on to everyone around us. We’ve also talked about…
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