You are listening to:W: 12/6/20 – “A Thrill of Hope”
Luke 1 – Zechariah and Elizabeth
The Bible tells us that Zechariah and Elizabeth were, “Righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly,” (Luke 6 NIV). The very next verse tells us, “But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both very old,” (Luke 1:7 NIV).
Here was a couple that devoted their lives to the Lord. Every day they lived as if God would fulfill His promise. But day after day, nothing happened. Not only did it seem like God had turned His back on their nation, it also seemed like He had turned His back on them. Yet, as our Christmas story begins, at God’s appointed time, something happened: A new beginning, a promise fulfilled, a thrill of hope.
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