We Give Thanks…

We give thanks for your many contributions, your willingness to put your Thanksgiving on pause to help others celebrate it well, and most of all for your hearts to share the love of Jesus through this event!

With just under a week to go, some of you have been asking, “What else we need?” Well, here’s an update on what we need. Please share this list with others as you are led.

60 cans Cranberry sauce

200 large cans of Yams

70# Mashed potato

200 2oz portion cups and lids

1000 small take out trays

Foil pans

10 turkeys

320 lbs of corn

25# flour

various canned goods & toiletries for support bags


Please bring items by the RISE Center or your local campus no later than Monday, November 24. Turkeys should be brought directly to Wahiawa Campus.



For those who have volunteered or are wishing to help on that day, we will be gathering at 4:30am. Shifts run through 2:30pm in the afternoon as follows:

Crafts & prep work: 8:30am

Drivers & fellowship teams: 9:30am

Clean up: 12:30-2:30pm


Should you have any questions or concerns, please either email Lori Shimabukuro at lori@nhcohawaii.org or call her at 808-347-5384. Thank you again for being the hands and feet of Jesus and blessing our communities!

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