W: KC2: “Kingdom Marriages”

Week 2: Kingdom Marriages

It may be said, “that a successful marriage requires falling in love many, many times, but always with the same person.” What if it feels like you’re falling out of love, many many times? How do we know our marriage is succeeding? 

Some also say, “that marriages are made in heaven, but so is thunder and lightning.

Join us and discover how God can transform your common marriage into a kingdom marriage. God makes it CLEAR for all of us.

Ohana Group Questions:

1. In what ways do you see your marriage helping you to become more holy?

2. What does it mean for two to become one? In what ways have you and your spouse become one? In what ways are you not one?

3. Why is it important to experience three kinds of love in your marriage? What is Agapeo love and how can you express that to one another?

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