You are listening to:W: BP1: Breaking Point: Faith Under Pressure
A breaking point is the moment of greatest strain at which someone or something gives way. Gives way to what? That would be our trials, desires, passions, and other things of this world. The question is, will we give way? Or will we have faith that endures?
Let go and let God. Faith is an action and becomes evident in the way we approach the world, in how we face trials, in how we handle conflict, in how we treat people, and in what we value. Actions speak louder than words, so let your faith do the talking.
Ohana Group Questions:
- Identify right Christian behavior. Is there a right way or wrong way to behave as a believer? Explain.
- How do we listen to God’s word? What can we do to tangibly put this into action?
- When we first meet Jesus, we may want to do more to share His love. How might we overcome the fear of serving Him? Why would this be a challenge for some and not others?
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