Aloha! Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! This year we celebrate 25 years of New Hope Central Oahu. Hear powerful testimony of how we…
View SermonEaster
3/24/24 8am “Palm Sunday: Dashed Dreams”
We invite you to reflect on the significance of the Palm Sunday’s triumphal entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem and how we can find hope and comfort in the midst of…
View Sermon4/8/23 5pm “Easter”
Over 2 billion Christians worldwide celebrate the resurrection power of Jesus. Can this power bring healing, restoration, and hope to our lives today? The same power that raised Jesus from…
View Sermon4/1/23 5pm “Palm Sunday”
This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday and the kick off to Holy Week! As we reflect on the first Palm Sunday we notice three groups of people. There were those…
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