W: 10/13/19: “Ask to Listen”

Ask to Listen
Ask to Listen is a shift in posture from asking others to listening to God. We look outside
ourselves for answers–to sermons and books, seeking advisors to tell us exactly what to do.

We worry about missing the will of God for our lives. We read the Bible like a desk refer-
ence as though it should answer our questions. When we make this shift, rather than ask-
ing God or others to answer our questions, we begin to ask the questions God is actually

answering. We let Him speak. We let Him set our agenda. We listen.

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M: 10/6/19: “Consumer to Steward”

Consumer to Steward is a shift in ownership from acquiring things for ourselves to offering what we have to God and others. Our souls may be saved, but we are still consumers. We complain about our salaries, fatten our pensions, stockpile more than we can use, and then want more. But as we respond to the Father, He transforms us into stewards who see all we have is only borrowed from God. We will become less attached to things and more gener- ous. We no longer measure life in terms of how much we get, but rather how much we give.

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W: 10/6/19: “Consumer to Steward”

Consumer to Steward is a shift in ownership from acquiring things for ourselves to offering what we have to God and others. Our souls may be saved, but we are still consumers. We complain about our salaries, fatten our pensions, stockpile more than we can use, and then want more. But as we respond to the Father, He transforms us into stewards who see all we have is only borrowed from God. We will become less attached to things and more gener- ous. We no longer measure life in terms of how much we get, but rather how much we give.

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H: 10/6/19: “Consumer to Steward”

Consumer to Steward is a shift in ownership from acquiring things for ourselves to offering what we have to God and others. Our souls may be saved, but we are still consumers. We complain about our salaries, fatten our pensions, stockpile more than we can use, and then want more. But as we respond to the Father, He transforms us into stewards who see all we have is only borrowed from God. We will become less attached to things and more gener- ous. We no longer measure life in terms of how much we get, but rather how much we give.

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M: 9/29/19: “Seen to Unseen”

Seen to Unseen is a shift in values from embracing things that are temporary to those that are eternal. We are born into a tangible world that we can touch, smell, see, and feel. But right next to our heads–as close as the air we breathe–is a Kingdom that is eternal and invis- ible. Over time God will teach us how to see a Kingdom that, although invisible, is ap- proaching with unnerving speed. God wants us to learn to see now what we will have no problem seeing after we are in Heaven. Things we once considered unimportant will have a new urgency, and things we once valued might become more trivial.

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H: 9/29/19: “Seen to Unseen”

Seen to Unseen is a shift in values from embracing things that are temporary to those that are eternal. We are born into a tangible world that we can touch, smell, see, and feel. But right next to our heads–as close as the air we breathe–is a Kingdom that is eternal and invis- ible. Over time God will teach us how to see a Kingdom that, although invisible, is ap- proaching with unnerving speed. God wants us to learn to see now what we will have no problem seeing after we are in Heaven. Things we once considered unimportant will have a new urgency, and things we once valued might become more trivial.

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